
I would feel like my baby was trapped in a hamster cage.

She is amazing. I, however, had no excuse—I was valedictorian. BOOM.

Maybe there are simply more women who realize that going into global macro trading is a soul destroying job in which you profit by helping fuel a patriarchal economy that is gradually leading to a feudal society and are sensible enough to not want to be a part of that shit.

Right, I know it was a comment on the anti-Semitism of the time, as I said, I just don't agree with the execution. Also, a Jewish person creating something that includes anti-Semitism doesn't make it any less offensive.

This is sickening (and common, I know). Sorry that you have to deal with that shit.

1. Scandale? I am pronouncing this like a chic version of "Scandal". I'm looking for boy's names for my next child and my husband has ruled out "Danger", so this could be a good option.

Well, the difference is between a Personal Abortion and an iAbortion is that their hardware is fundamentally different. iAbortions are expensive, but you do get great quality for the name. They offer a great level of safe procedures, and the fact that all your peripheral iAbortion devices automatically sync to a

Abortion on demand?? Abortion on demand?!!!!!!!!?? I'd hardly say that describes where we are in this country. And anyway regarding this guy I just can't even can't even can't.

Oh shit, really? NOOO WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

I wanted to do the "I told you so dance" from Will and Grace, when my friend came back from seeing this. She hated it. Then I decided no, because she wasted 13 dollars. So I felt bad for her.

On the one hand, I'm impressed with her apparently endless confidence in herself (sometimes in the face of all reality).

On the other, even seeing it transcribed by someone who can spell, I am genuinely concerned by her inability to use the English language coherently.

Kid, you made a porno. It's not Dr. Phil's bag, but

Is the audience that reads Tucker Max really the audience that goes to Broadway plays???

I would think memorizing pi's digits would be more of a 22/7 activity...

Dear Mr. President,

Cuz no other organization is willing to do them for poor people on a non-profit basis. PP is not just for abortions, they take care of many aspects of reproductive and woman's health.

I'll buy the Sleeping Beauty one if I can change it back and forth from pink to blue.

Last night I made the comment that you know you are old when you want to throw a towel around the undergrads. Tonight I add to that you know you are old when you see a middle-aged woman wearing a belly shirt and think "shouldn't she dress in a more age appropriate manner?"