
I'm not certain about that because if that were true it seems like the Megaman Titles would be a bit higher... I could be wrong though

Sadly unlikely Inafune even offered after having left to come back and help with Legends 3. Capcom said no.

Good luck with Excel Saga. Not that it's bad just... you have to see it you'll understand then lol

Now playing

Think I'll just leave this here and be omw... all three of these opening were great. Last two credits were as well

One question. Where's Gurren Laganns opening? All three opening were pretty kickass and the last two credits were as well. Imo. I also disagree with Lucky Star. But hey! To each their own =D

Admittedly so but they have been trying since Sonic Unleashed at least. Unleashed was half good. It was the were-hog levels that made the game not very fun... (the non were hog levels still weren't great mind you but a step in the right direction) but yeah it has been a very long road. Now if only Capcom will bring

I may actually disagree with that statement now. Before Sonic Colors (maybe haven't played that one) but especially Sonic Generations is a great game. It plays really well and reminds me of old Sonic. Even modern Sonic runs quite well surprisingly (I didn't like how he played in either SA myself not that he played

So just out of curiosities sake why does everyone hate GFWL? I've never had a problem with it (then again I think the only games I own that use it are Fallout 3, Arkham Asylum and City along with Bulletstorm and Bioshock 2. Oh and GTA 4 but I haven't really used it that much)

Black Ops II biggest game of the year? That statement is merely opinion and honestly? I doubt it. But we'll see. Maybe it's I who is wrong.

I disagree. Since the series hasn't died yet (meaning the two separate series respectively Mario and Sonic games) and since Knuckles is in most Sonic games and assuming she's played a Sonic game she should know Knuckles. But I do hope he is over exaggerating because that is quite silly if he isn't. Kids do know worse

Definitely Sprung thank you. Feel the Magic was actually fun

Darn kids insulting Shadow the Hedgehog. It's gameplay isn't bad (oddly looking at Sonic 06) it's actually the swearing and plot that's cringe worthy. And worst game? That really bad dating launch title for the DS crushed or something? It was bad.

Eh not as big a selection plus the fact that I hate EA is a okay by me that I don't have it. But I do see your point and it is valid.

Honestly Biowares just disappointed me a lot lately, so I haven't even bought ME3 yet. Mainly because I REFUSE to get ME3 for computer if I have to install origin. That's a deal breaker. Then their was the repeating dungeons in DA2 and frankly? To me? I don't think these games have the same soul Bioware used to put

As will I. I'll also be broke... BUT DAMN if that Special edition Guild Wars 2 is sexxxxxxxy

I personally want it on Steam as I don't have a console...

Yes please to Skies of Arcadia HD remake! It's my favorite RPG of all time as for Shenmue I've never palyed it. So that too please =D So long as they release it on Steam...