From what I understand it seems that way. Or at least as well 358/2 days. Since that's included as well.
From what I understand it seems that way. Or at least as well 358/2 days. Since that's included as well.
Also. As someone that's.... never had a particular interest in the KH games. Which are recommended and not recommended? I've heard from quite a few people that after KH1 the story went AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! IT'S A STORY AND WE DON'T KNOW WHERE TO TAKE IT! ADD PLOTTY MCGIMMICKS ERYWHERE AND CONFUSE ERYONE! But that's…
These graphics don't look good to me for some reason.... I know they lost the original graphics but... I just don't know what I don't like about it for some reason... I like how Wind Waker HD is looking and other HD games but this? I dunno....
To a lot of these super heroes they think killing essentially makes them like the villains they fight and are no better then them. Personally I agree but their is always demand for the type you like as well of course. Spawn, Punisher and that's it that comes to mind easily. It's just personal opinion really =)
I think they own 100% of Monolith Soft if I recall correctly. So their is a slight difference between most of those companies.... I believe. And Fable from Lionhead since it's appeared on Steam as well silly =P
oh captain America you would say that. you and your hatred of red skull and Germany and conforming to the American way.
Except Monolith is owned by Nintendo now??????
Isn't an actually good idea though to be either naked or close to naked as possible when building a computer because of static electricity? Or is that just a myth?
Shouldn't you be dead since you ingested that poison? And yes I've said this. It doesn't make the languages exactly the same.
Lol okay that's alright. I'll remain civil as well while you do go sleep then but that's kind of my point. Even though it's from the same root it's something different. Just like how you said English and German have roots in Latin they're not the same. That's really the only point I was trying to make.
Still gonna disagree. It's like calling one thing banana even though it's a plastic banana. Different but similar. Just because it's similar and has been taken (I don't deny that) it is still different.
Pretttttty sure you're kinda wrong. As I said very similar but different. It's like tomato and tomatoe. Similar but different.
Kanji are based off of Chinese Characters. So they're not actual Chinese Characters. But I know what you mean. They are quite similar. However even if they are similar that doesn't make them the same =P
....No. Just no. To the Chinese part I mean. Try again on language again.
I actually didn't enjoy the film which upset me a lot... I'd read the manga to it's entirety first and I know he wasn't fully done with the manga when he did the anime and had to wrap it up but... the manga is a lot better. To me at least. If he remade it I'd be okay with it being a two parter though... they did get a…
Kind of. Goat and cow milk is processed. breast milk? Not so much from what I know of, their isn't anyways.
Honestly? It seems kinda weird once you're older to be thinking huh.... I'm drinking something from another human... Yea just gonna stop now....but hey. Thats just me.
Loved the review like always, and that part involving your kids was fun and pretty danged cute.
i suppose I can see that actually.... Just makes me a little sad since it is a pretty good console. To me at least.