

It’s the preferred nomenclature at Wikipedia. I’m a child of the 70s and I remember it being called that on TV shows I grew up with. Once the Internet and webcam-enabled chatrooms became a thing, people associated the idea with the computer rather than the phone. The mobile phone apps are all branded, so people don’t

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I’d take it all the way back to 1982.

I think you’ve likely hit the nail on the head. That coupled with the generic bureaucratic drag.

We’re talking universal Armageddon!

I had been mildly interested in the sequel based on the trailers and such so far, but this pretty well sapped any remaining interest for me. It’s crazy. I grew up a total DC kid, Batman and Superman were my favorites. I should be totally stoked by this. Marvel is killing it on screen right now - especially the small

Trees as street lights! That’s brilliant.

I started my own subscription when I was in my teens - until they stopped publishing and put the remainder of my subscription on Discover magazine. I liked Discover. I didn’t love it. :)

Would have been in his fifties. It's amazing how young that sounds to me now. :)

Though not microscopic, your final line reminded me of this speculative illustration of a future human from an issue of OMNI. I'm so glad my grandpa had a subscription back in the day. :)

Yeah, and many examples are not symmetrical. The face in the coffee cream linked above is a 3/4 view and linear. At the very least there must've been some significant winnowing of the pool from which the samples were averaged.

The Predator even follows Harrigan into a graveyard at one point, which in any other movie would be just the moment to go take a pee.

What I loved about Daredevil was that it didn’t fall into “the whole world is at risk” approach for escalating the tension. It’s a smaller stage, and the villain is made more interesting by his vulnerabilities. It was truly frightening imagining what Fisk was capable of when you see him attacked at his one weak spot -

Y’all are being far too agreeable. This is the comments section of a website. I expect escalating verbal fisticuffs in response to any criticism. You should be insulting each other's parentage and mental capacity by now.

“Space Senator with Braids” will henceforth be the generic name for all those knock-off Amidala and Leia costumes.

“Some of those great records—War and October—were even made shortly before my lifetime.” What's that? The sound of my ragged bones creaking?

Most sound editing software includes a feature that can reduce or remove vocals from a stereo track. Basically, voices are equally distributed between the two channels and within a particular tonal range, while the music is more varied in stereo placement. The software isolates the spoken material, then cancels it out

Normally I’m not to squeamish about cut -away diagram like these. But I’m having trouble maintaining an abstract view. Ow. Ow.,. Ow. Oh God. Ow.

Loved everyone involved with this movie, but left after 30 minutes of unfunny.

And if he had chosen to leave the role as he had planned on more than one occasion, all of his previous work would have been shit to you? We just have different values here. I enjoy films and TV for what is on the screen. Was it worth my time and money? Would I enjoy watching it again? Then as long as the actor isn’t