Meanwhile Amber Riley is getting once-in-a-lifetime reviews in the London production of Dreamgirls, which I find very satisfying.

Patriarchal Puritan Porn.

Oh my god stop with all the fucking pearl-clutching. I’ve been watching porn since the dial-up days, and I have a perfectly healthy view of women, and a lovely wife who, wait for it, also watches porn! Sometimes we even watch it together! Stop worrying about what makes other people cum. It doesn’t concern you.

brad pitt’s production company actually is responsible for 12 years a slave, selma and moonlight so i’m not sure what the problem would be....

If Kanye is talentless, Mr. Beyoncé is utter garbage.

its god’s mix tape.

i assumed she wrote dumb shit because why else would she be getting hate. i looked at those pictures and she just pull-quoted bible verses that meant a lot to her. what is wrong with that? she put a fuck ton of work into it too.

All for a relationship that’ll be over by the end of the school year.

Imagine the poor boyfriend. “I said I wanted strippers, not scriptures.”

Personal beliefs aside, that is an impressively thoughtful and work-intensive gift.

Exactly. The law and justice are not the same thing; they often overlap, but they can diverge as well. The pardon system is set up for those times to allow those who are guilty of justifiable crimes to get relief. I see no issue with either the verdict or the pardon. Although the pardon should probably have come a

Fame, wealth, beauty, youth, sexual freedom, unlimited creativity, rebellion, the adulation of millions – pop stars, both male and female, reach for, and realize many of the things the rest of us only dream about.

Perhaps. Former legal counsel to W. said on NPR, a few days ago, that if Trump does not divest from foreign holdings before taking office, impeachment proceedings could commence on day 1, under the Emoluments Clause.

I thought that during the campaign. But after the election, with trump deep throating Putin even more and making or taking calls to/from Taiwan and now talking about our nuclear arsenal, I think a Pence presidency means less likelihood of the world ending in oblivion. So I will reluctantly accept a regressive domestic

She failed in getting 270 electoral votes, which is how the presidency is won. The path to 270 is the goal, not the popular vote.

Wait Dylann Roof was Muslim?

Scuse me dear, but perhaps you are forgetting domestic terrorism aimed at Planned Parenthood? Assassinations, spree kills, fires. That’s not Muslims.

Remember that even Jesus flipped tables and whipped motherfuckers.

Close but slightly right of the mark, those two were at the first. Beyonce was at the second.

I don’t remember it being this controversial when God was a white woman. And Canadian.