The rest of my house is a mess, so it was the best looking place to take the photo :p
The rest of my house is a mess, so it was the best looking place to take the photo :p
I've hard the work shirt for a while. The goggles are my personal ones for projects. I changed real quick and dashed into the bathroom to get a pic.
So, NECA said my Portal Gun replica shipped today.
I honestly didn't know Target sold the Fire in stores, and I shop there probably twice a month with family. They do not market electronics much at all.
Because it isn't hi-def enough. :p
Wasn't Target's site once hosted on Amazon's servers? Then they went their own ways or something. I could be wrong...
I can't fly anything in any battlefield game. I'm just that bad.
And the creators of ModNation are making this, so...
As if I didn't have enough of a crush on her already...
I like it because it portrays bane with some intelligence, instead of some mumbling homonculus with brute strength. He's a lot more menacing with that monotone, yet very forceful voice.
I think he's still typing it :p
I approve of this idea. It's a good one.
Companies make a lot of money off warranties that are never cashed in on. When some kid starts turning a profit using these warranties, I could see why they might get upset.
Well scouts have to be quick on their feet, so they can be pretty observant.
What do you mean by Observant, exactly?
Non-giant-nerd newspaper and website reviews are agreeing with your friends. The only negative reviews I've seen were all accused of being people trying to get page hits.
Starcraft II is region locked, as is GWII if I'm not mistaken.