

OH GOSH YES. When I heard what is atthe end of the credits I just lost it. Everything I've wanted in the Marvel movies is coming true.

I really don't want to promote this, but this looks like #spam to me.

Thanks for the suggestions :D

I do, but very rarely. At the bare minimum when going out I'll have a spray variant to match whatever deoderant I have on, so it creates a bit more fresh scent.

It's officialy how I will reference my ex girlfriend now.

It's got a huge learning curve.

That's it. They don't want the beta to be too overloaded this weekend.

This is when you make a backup :p

Replying to promote. It's an awesome game!

Not in the early game - if your opponent doesn't wall in it's pretty hard to stop as they just keep coming in waves. There's a guy who got to GM by just 6 pool zerg rushing.

Apparently being at work is the counter to a 6 pool :p

Ah, okay. I thought he was going to be one of the E4 in B/W 2, lol.

Is this Black and White 2, or the spin-off dynasty warriors styled pokemon game?

True, true. I just found it incredibly interesting for a comic. I mean, showing that level of emotion in a character in that way, and the interactions that Pym had with other characters afterwards, was something else for Marvel comics.

Yeah, and as much as I love the movies that have come out from Marvel, I wish they'd take some time to show the more "human" side of these superheroes a bit more.

I would love to see how they'd handle the whole abuse and rampage episodes this guy had...

Because I am going to do a playthrough of all the Pokemon games this summer, and I would love to have one edition of the game where they're all on one cartridge. I'm just saying, if they did an anniversary edition like they've been doing for Kirby and Mario, it would sell like hotcakes.

It's the tool the alien race uses to mind-control children, making them slaves in essence. It latches onto the spinal cord, and secretes a neurotoxin that renders the wearer compliant to the hive mind and ignorant of previous memories, sometimes even after the "harness" is surgically removed.