
Well compared to Kate upton and Justin Verlander, he might look a bit plain :p

Ain't they?


Going to the arcade today to close out my Spring Break goofing off. They have an ITG2 and the newest DDR machine, so if you're all lucky (or unlucky) you might get a vid of me playing in tonight's open thread.

Wow. That is really well done, coming from a not-so-fan of Final Fantasy.

A friend of mine would love this.


One of the people at Capcom making me smile in recent years.

It's powered by a rare crystal. Once you have that, you're more than good to go. They really don't wear out.

My dream is to be an aperture scientist this year for Halloween, complete with roaming my school's halls in full getup, ASHPD and Companion Cube in tow. Here's hoping I can get one lol.

watchin' this like a hawk just in case. I couldn't care less about shipping prices XD

Granted at 100% my GTX460s (MSI Cyclone) sound like quiet lawnmowers, but at 75% they don't sound that lound. Granted my setup is quieted by being in a open cabinet, but it's still pretty quiet. I've heard old CD drives louder than my PC.

Number of fans isn't as important to me as much as the sound levels while running.

Same here. My 60GB had been getting on fine with Steammover but I need a bit more space in general if I want to continue my gaming habits :p

My little brother is only 13 and he basically wipes the floor with me when I play TF2 against him. He's an asset to any team he's on. I think it's because he has much more time to play than I do.

I'm dressing up as an aperture scientist for halloween this year. If I can get one of these I'm walking to class with this and companion cube in hand :D I'll be sure to get pics for kotaku if I do.

That would be awesome.

To be brutally honest, if this thing is going to be priced at around 500-600$, I could upgrade both my brother and my PCs to play the next gen of games quite easily with that much money. I might sit this generation of consoles out.

Replying to promote.

My Apeture Laboratories Work Shirt. Everyone who knows what it is loves it - everyone who doesn't thinks I work for a major corporation :p