
? They're more than adequate for my small living room. I'm just saying for the price of that iPod dock you could have a similar wood finish styled speaker system for your whole living room, easily.

Yep yep. Got the floorstanding speakers on sale though.

Whoah where's the Amazon listing?

The scale is exactly what I wanted. I just hope I can actually get one from ThinkGeek since I missed out on all the other pre-orders...

Well I live in an incredibly arid part of the US so rain is more of an "OMG ACT OF GOD WHAT IS THIS LIQUID FROM THE SKY!?!?" moment for us than anything XD

My friends and I in high school would pass stick figure combat doodles back and forth. They'd usually escalate into beast wars / gundam level carnage after a few sketches though.

For 350$ with shipping I got two of these and a center channel for my living room.

This. Is. Awesome news.

That was everquest, if I remember correctly.

As a former Mac Shack employee I find this completely hilarious and the best snack-taku review yet.

Wow. That statue makes the Guild Wars II one look like poo.

Makes some sense, considering the Cosmic Cube more than once captured people inside itself, in an alternate dimension sot of thing.

I always thought Beer was made because water might not have been all that clean, and alchohol is a decent disenfectant. I'm probably all wrong though XD

Now c'mon guys, these puns are just corny.



Well, most of the touch-screen control games I've played have two circles at the bottom, for each finger to rest on and mimic joysticks. But there are others that don't, and then my man hands get in the way :/

Of course, the only problem I have with a touch screen is my giant man hands will obstruct parts of the screen, of course.

That's the main reason I play support. I can get the most points in a match even with my horrible FPS skills, just because I'll keep whole squads supplied.