Ooh! I would ace that! And extra credit for including R.O.B. and why the N.E.S. was named as such :D
Ooh! I would ace that! And extra credit for including R.O.B. and why the N.E.S. was named as such :D
I would flip the table in your class at that point, and never come back.
Those are some pretty high prices. But then again, I'm the person who says "well, if I'm going to buy an EVO I might as well save a bit more and get a GT-R..."
To someone who has never played a game before - Flower / Journey.
If you're just out of high school, that would be great. Not so much if you're about to finish College :p I used high school achievements on my resume for 2 years after high school.
Replying to approve and promote you. Welcome to the threads, you seem like a great addition :D
I'm a little taller than you, 20, and a bit on the high side of my weight for height. Care to split the difference? :p
Likewise. I remember paying so much more for that when I bought it though XD
Bravo, good sir. Bravo.
Ah yeah, I know what you're talking about. Some weapons are hitscan, some aren't, so you do get a lot of BS kills, especially when melee is involved :/
Not to be a troll, but what are you finding broken in TF2? I play the game a lot and have found ways to handle a lot of the stuff people find overpowered. I like hearing what other people dislike about TF2 though.
Did he use the strategy that you can burn through some of the extra lives you earn to take a quick break / nap? I wish I would've known about this - I needed a good backdrop to my studying last weekend.
In one siting though? And without idling?
Hope you have a most felicitous birthday! :D
Well I'm like the only one of my friends that plays RR, so I love seeing how his just tore up at that tourney. And his Viewtiful Joe is a sight to behold.
Love that team he's playing. EVO this year is going to be so awesome :D
Replying to promote.
Replying to promote.