I'm pretty sure my only platinum are from the Sly Series, the R&C series, and the LBP series. Oh and Burnout Paradise XD
I'm pretty sure my only platinum are from the Sly Series, the R&C series, and the LBP series. Oh and Burnout Paradise XD
If it plays my Steam library on my TV, I'm sold.
That's why I shop Apt. 9 and the like, and wait for sales. But all the same, the more you make your clothing work with all your other clothes, the less it will cost you to have a diverse wardrobe.
Skrillex gets a grammy this year for making music like this:
I'm calling it:
Yeah, I like to keep it simple with earth tones, but I know blues and maybe light greens look best on me. I can not wear purple or red and look good in it to save my life XD
Replying to promote.
I wonder how this would work for fast moving subjects?
That's what I was going to say.
This is F2P?
It's going to be F2P.
I need a good pair of leather shoes. Will keep these places in mind.
My best advice to younger guys looking to expand their wardrobe to business / business casual:
Because even though people are renting an apartment / house, they like to have the feeling that the place is brand new, at least to them. So any cosmetic blemishes like holes, even puttied / toothpasted up, mess with this thinking.
Replying because it's awesome.
There's no US version is there?
I am so glad I spent a good weekend getting Dolphin running to its fullest. This and Xenoblade chronicles will be GLORIOUS to play through :D
Okay, I'm a bit young to remember that, but that's brilliant.
Have a good Friday y'all. :D