Those cars look like some serious fun!
Those cars look like some serious fun!
Welp, I have given up on the WRX. Here is hoping that when the cheaper Telsa comes out in a few years they have an AWD version.
I watched the whole race and apparently I managed to miss this 'scary crash.'
Pretty much every other sport has an advantage/disadvantage to weight and size, so why is that wrong in racing?
Are these the same trucks that tour America or are they specific to Mexico?
Makes sense to me, I bet more industries do this than you would have ever guessed.
That's why you never want to be the first car on the road (because there aren't many ruts yet).
He drove over the exact spot where the tire was. Who would have been at fault if he had not moved the tire yet?
The mechanic wasn't trying to do anything nasty, he was just doing his job. If he was trying to be nasty he should have just left the tire where it was.
I really do think Walt could have changed the world (more than he did) if he only lived a little longer.
It's almost like those other stewards are hovering like vultures, waiting for him to die.
This is probably the first ever death at a car meet not caused by exhibition.
generally you always have extra because you cant order a specific amount. You have to buy boxes of 10 or 20 or whatever. So maybe they ran out.
I want a new Rallisport Challenge Game.
Well that's pretty annoying and unwatchable.
its a 1... notice no negative space in the middle.
I give them props for trying, but that feed was absolutely horrible.
They are there to keep people from standing int he street, not to protect them from idiots trying to do some middle east style drifting.