What makes an entertaining pass?

Also since this car is so new, maybe this problem hasn't come up before, and they want to look at it and fiddle with it themselves so they have first hand experience with the problem.

There are actually some pretty impressive DIY decorations in my neighborhood. All made by the same guy I think. Things that he made that are animated like that waving Santa. At his house he has a flying sleigh with a waving Santa being pulled by 3 or 4 reindeer with animated legs. Then he also has big candy canes

What does that even mean.

They should have put super powerful magnets on the bottom, then if you can find a large surface, like a steel plate in the street or something maybe you can actually hover!

You fail to see the future. It's possible valve is going to come out with a 'console' that is basically a PC that plays games though Steam. Then because Valve is all nice n stuff, if you want to build your own PC or use your own PC to do the same thing you can.

That really is what saved the championship for him. I'm amazed/angry at how that actually happened.

Simple answer is that there really aren't any.

I'm waiting for the fridge that knows exactly whats inside it and the expiration date of everything and tells you when you need to toss things out.

I don't like it because the 3 door concept is so stupid.

Well the fact that he put it face down on a sidewalk to take these photos should give you an idea how how careful he is with it.

I've always wanted to try frying the turkey, but it looks like I'll have to wait till I have a wife and kids and can do Thanksgiving my way before that ever happens.

Then you use them on something slightly too hard and it bends the blades and they don't work right ever again.

When the Xbox glass app was released I turned my 360 on for the first time in maybe 2 years. I turned it on, ran the updates, saw that you have to have a gold account to use the fucking internet browser, gave the console a giant middle finger and turned it back off.

Did anyone watch Sky's buildup for qualifying and see that goofy looking guy smiling and getting his picture taken?

Lucky for me I'm still on my first and release day console!

I actually think the next Xbox will have cartridges, in a sense.

Pshhh.... the robot was the best.

well just from a knowing what time it is aspect it's inefficient. It's 10:01 by the time the 0 from 09 changes to a 1. If it were just much faster it would be better, but it's lego so.

Not sure whats worse, the fail high-5 or those headphones.