
At least he kept the track clean for the next run. How come there are no M3 Drag Cars? Oh's one. I'm not a hater.

@paulmer: Yes, from the writing of your posts. you probably would. In my opinion, I do not prefer the sound of a 4 or a 6 cylinder engine. Do I own a car with one yes I do. Remember: Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Don't be a hater. If you would have read my initial post I did put a DISCLAIMER: "No

@paulmer: All BMW's really sound like shit so I had to go with the #1 best automotive sound ever...d-bag

It looks a lot like Larry's homework.

Now playing

No offense to anyone but, nothing and I mean nothing compares to a big V-8 with a nice lumpy cam.

@OOglebooze: You put the OO in OO La La. thanks

I know I know you are talking about consumer trucks. I need somoething bigger and something that says " hey, look at me. I drive a kick ass truck" Someday I hope we'll see these more on our highways and biways. These Dekatora Trucks have kick-ass written all over them!! Take it deep Chevy!!

Sorry. Got confused with the "oh" after retro. I was thinking the "Big O"

Chevy Tosses Salad.

@madtube: He probably parks his ridiculous expensive Sports Car in the Handicap space or takes up 2 spaces.

Now if only this Artist could recreate a woman...I'd be impressed.

@Elhigh: I'd make the block out of Ceramic. I think the concrete would spall and break apart. Concrete block talk about friction and wear. ooofaa

This car is not prepared to be a 8O k. car. Just from looking at pics in this article, it appears it's never been detailed. the trunk and interior are horrendous. This would be a very expensive restoration. Drum brakes up front=no way.

@wolfy- Is getting a e30 before nurburgring!: Here is a pic of a traditional (old school)Blower & Carb set-up. You can clearly see the carbs. Fuel injected set-ups like on this Challenger have the injectors installed in the intake/blower manifold, below the roots-type supercharger. Hope this clears up any confusion.

Tommy.....can I call you Tommy? Anywho. Nice work so far. Seems like you're busting your ass today. Keep it Brother!