
I always fantasized about owning a burgundy IROC-Z. That was until the Dodge Daytona inherited the IROC name . (vomit in mouth)

@flyingstitch: This picture I believe is from around February 2010.

If I could only convince my wife that these "Junkyards" were in fact Museums, I could finally go on a vacation I would enjoy. NE Ohio junkyards suck. Nice story btw.

Holiday me to go Croatia??

I hope this is an isolated incident and not a serial arsonist.

Here is some Scotch to have with your breakfast tomorrow. Nice Job.

Nice Price. It looks as if the foundation for a solid car is there. Imagine the possibilities. As seen here before.

@GuardDuck: Really?? You might be the first person to look at her shoes :)

She's been eating a lot of pudding :)

@WOT: It's pretty cool when you can walk into Edelbrock's Display and shake Vic's hand...and even meet his daughters Camee and Christi.

@GotaGurt: You have to see it to believe it. It's like Disneyland for Gearheads. It's easy to ignore Douches.

@Octomac: You had me at "Hello" oh shit I mean right here:"and the upholstery is woven unicorn mane from the Forest of Enchantment, harvested by a Welsh virgin specifically for this project." Thanks for the most awesome visual.

God I wish I didn't have a wife or kids after seeing this...oh and my bad crack habit.