
I felt the editing was off but, other than that, Sporting a chub.

My pumpkin already has enough defects on it. Why would I want to make it worse?

@fauxtronic: She's cute..hell yes footjobs...weird hugs i bet.

Here's 3 girls. Each girl enjoys holding a big brown beautiful Cock. Enjoy...See what I did there? puns...ehh

With all the junkers in the background, it looks as if he bought from that Crazy Canadian Dave

I wonder if HE was getting chased by a woman with a golf club too.??

"Shaking his head" wtf??

I just hope Murilee is sitting back sippin on some Jalopnik® brand Breakfast Scotch and enjoying his free weekends. Look what you've done Ms. Martin. It's a fiasco!

@Ray Wert: This is hilarious. Reminds me of High School Student Council Elections.....or Florida

@Rusty Van Horn: I got a buddy who's an IT Guy @ Progressive Insurance. We can "swing" this election.

@Roberto G.: But, only one comes.......out on top........too be Number #1 :)

This is going too be tough. Good Luck.

We are sooo screwed.

Nice Job.