
This Great Gentleman gave his blood so that others may live. Just like our Goverment gave GM money so that may stay alive. If Karma has it's way....GM shall be passing away too.

Seriously? Pass the pipe. These are so 2002. I think almost every Rapper bought one of these so they could show it off on "MTV's Cribs"

This reminds me of Mopeds and Fat Chicks......They're both cool until your friends catch you on them.

crash avoidance system = Fail

I really do Love this guy. If anything, he nows how to Fuck-up a GM like Lutz.

Now playing

Wow. This is alot better than "Christ like cruisin" just as catchy too!!

@Drowningfish: I'm sorry your Florida. I'm from's by no means any better...eurotrash...huh. never even owned a foreign car in my life.

Gay & Gay-er on the trailer. Go figure...Florida plates.

Rumor has it...They thought he had been decapitated. Actually his head was pushed down into his Thorax.

@81DaytonaPaceCar: Oh I agree. This is a 16 to 20k car. Yes, I would expect too pay at least 40k + for a numbers matching RAM IV Judge

I give this man credit for trying to be as descriptive as possible. The price is just way too high. For 26-27k it should be damn near flawless. The only plus is a 4-speed. No Ram IV, No Judge. Engine compartment is terrible. Cheap off-brand tires. Somebody please pass the pipe.

Nice video production. But, that is still one Fugly Car. Give me a Gremlin or a Pinto anyday. Maybe even a LeCar, if you want to stay Frenchie.

I cannot believe it STILL for sale. If I only knew where Wisconsin was. I don't have a passport to get into Canada.

Ha Ha "Dick Brooms" Ha Ha Ha

I liked this one. Still no purple polka-dot garage though.

"That'll buff right out."

I like all things that start with the letter "B". Bronco's, Boobs and Big Butts. This picture has them all. But a fugly 76 for 27k? I've got the rock if you have the pipe. Oh, and I kind of take offense to the Cleveland comment.

How do you take apart the dashboard of a 97 Eldorado too access the vents where the mice have died? The smell is unreal. No amount of green trees hanging from the rearview works.

That troll would make another awesome Jalop t-shirt.