
@new22003: That was the wet chemical from the fire suppression system that was installed the engine compartment. As you can see. Failed.

@DonLuc: I think that's where you "dragon" a Mitsu.

@87CapriceEstate: I think you missed the deadline. At least I did here in NE Ohio.

You can't help but laugh.

This guy totally stole my idea. (The wheel choice that is). Too bad you didn't snap a photo of the owner. I can only imagine what he looks like, and it's not pretty.

@RäcinG73™: " menacing agents of death" = brilliant. It is now a "Good Friday"

Give me a Pucci Edition any day.

As long as I can pick the color of the t-shirt. Not like Murilee's socialist ways of doling out colors.

I love how the water beads off this car. It shows he really takes care of his vette.


I swear Murilee, I think you have alot of stock in the "Tree Air Freshener Business"

The dogs smelled "Bacon"

I hate language barriers.

@agjios: My Bad....I was" fishing for papers"......Too soon?

"Luis Samudio, the 50-year-old driver of the Blue Sky Sanitation truck."

At least he has some clean-shaven legs.

@Cheeseslap: Lake..............Big Lake.....

No video??? What I really want is some freaking audio. Would probably make a good ringtone.

I really like picutre #8. Um, I think it's a little too late for the Emergency brake now. duh.