
Am I close?

son of bitch......try this again

I'll be toasting a few of these while I open my Christmas Gifts! We can all get along!

@GreenN_Gold: I see what you've done there...nice....

@danio3834: Would this be considered a "threadjack"? Seriously. I have the same problem,just couldn't find the right place to talk about it. Thanks

Well it appears the Silverado still couldn't "slip" by. This is why you leave Semi's alone. Nobody ever wins.

@dmckoltrane: Mmmm Yuengling ....Here in Ohio I must travel across the border to your great State too get it. Your so lucky.

Pretty impressive..It does appear the rear axle on the semi was locked-up.

Detective up your coat. your gonna catch a death.....pssst. snow melts...

The yellow reminded him of his short bus days

I bet this thing could make the drive to Ohio, no thinking on how feasible this really could be.......I have time off.....the Old Lady is always complaining I don't do anything with the kids.......we could really bond on a "road trip"......Hell they're 8 and 10..surely big enough too push.

Wher is this imanginary somewhere far-off fantasyland? Hooker's in my area (Cleveland) where Parka's and duck boots. "Honey......pass me another perogie please"

I can't believe nobody has pictures of his Caddy yet. What is wrong with you people?

At least they got "Cock & Tail" right.

My name is Detroit. My coffer is empty.

Nothing needs too be said here my friends. Pictures do speak louder than words. Thank You. #qotd

Those Dragon's down in Tesxas must be hung like Peter North or the late Joh Holmes. Holy Christ!