

Boob shot @ 1: 08.....

It's about as Hot as Patrick Swayze was in Dirty Dancing.

@500wishes: Looks like a Modern Day Cow Catcher/People Thrower.

I suck

Old P-71's are so sweet. The Sherman tank of today.

Holla at your Boy's!

What a douchebag. I've got pubes with more common sense.

Yeah, I'll buy another one. The ink has faded on the old one.

#12 & #17 FTW. I Heart Melons!

I'd be the shit for Halloween.

@Quattro-luvr: This is why it was referred to as a "Lincoln Locker" back when this was common place Lincoln Wlders were the only ones around. Kudos on the pic. Brings back memories of my High School Days. Thanks.

Sir, yes you Ms. Martin. This appears too be a "Sperm Whale". I could never bring myself to cruise around in a "Sperm Whale" Now if this was a Beluga Whale then I might consider it.Nice Price though.

It's not What the hell? It's WTF?

I love the sound as the bike lock makes contact with that Fella's face. CONTACT!

What kind of cars are featured in these pics? ...tunnel vision

@pres: That's so Gay. :)