
Time to get rid of the Tucker...It didn't work in 1948 it will never work in 2008.

Dude...It's got Stripes! It MUST be a SS.

Oh my Head hurts.


I don't ever remember an American Car beating an English Car here in PCH. I do prefer the Old Detroit Muscle or is it Bowling Green Ky? Anyhoo..GreenVanMan did find some very choice junk err I mean Restorable Cars.Too bad the Vette not a 63...I do Heart the Split-window.

@ash78: Oh those are lemons..I thought they were Camel Nuts...since thet don't have Truck Nuts over there yet.!

Love the sarcasm Matt. Well done.

This is the result of inbreeding. Porsche,VW and Audi in a crazy drunken E - induced 3-way.. Gigitty...Gigitty....Gigitty

Whoa...whoa....whoa...Ms. Martin. just because you couldn't find a Renault LeCar to take a picture of doesn't mean I don't want to vote for it.

@UDMAN: Same thing happened with the 04 Powerstrokes. They failed miserably..Gee then they came out with the 6.0 Powerstroke and that sucked too.

I could see this as an option for the Colorado/H3 platform or maybe even the 1/2 ton pick-ups.IMO I just can't see GM having the balls to put a diesel in a passenger car though. Good article Ben.

Wert seemed drunk to me.

How long do thet stop the race during the night? That really bummed me out when I read you don't actually race all night.

You know back when I got "approved" to comment.It was hard. You had to know somebody.Luckily I had befriended

Matt, isn't this the pic of a Neon for an Older Episode of PCH? If not, the striking resemblence is uncanny. Oh yer right, CO kills.

Who cares....really. I have no intention of buying a New Car this year. or maybe even next year.

Only a Chick could have come up with this PCH.

Alright,who gonna make this compilation CD? Or shall I say CD's ?