What I see here is some wacko mother completely and utterly overreacting and the crew being generally kind. Then what is quite obviously a Trump voter thinking he’s fucking John McClane making a goddamn issue of something that was clearly being handled till he had to go make shit worse.

Oh fuck off.

Funny but he had a comma in there. Though I can’t blame you for taking the shot anyway.

If you are alone and choking and think you are going to die, the first step should be to delete your browser history.

A “collage” team.

I know, right? For the love of all that is holy, STOP USING PORTRAIT MODE!!

I can’t believe you’re still supporting Michael Dukakis

Now playing

Scenario has my favorite Phife line... You know the one.

I use this rule with my sons almost daily. Don’t like dinner? Tell me what you would do differently. Don’t want to do the fundraiser for the band? Tell me how you’re going to meet your goals.

I’ve been a boss and I’ve been a subordinate. One of the best things you can bring to your boss is a solution.

If that load falls off they’ll have hell toupée.

Also can you confirm that all of these people knew all of this information? I kind of doubt the stewardess announced that a child was having an allergic reaction and I doubt anyone on that plane knew the dad has stage for cancer. So while yes these people are assholes you are presuming to know a lot about the

Yes...these days, social media availability has inflated people’s perception of importance and influence. I feel bad for her boyfriend and his kids.

Thank you.

7-year competitive powerlifter here- it’s also important to learn *how* to fail safely way before you get to the point of failing. Knowing what it feels like to dump a squat on the safety bars will make it much safer when you have to do it for reals. Same with not putting collars on your bench bar so you can dump the