You have no idea how glad I am I will no longer have to avoid the columns about you and your damn Ferrari. The only articles I hate more are "will it baby".

Doing that on something not made to do that is impressive. Doing that without a helmet is a bad idea. Doing that with your toddler with no helmet? Fucking moronic. Your wife may be dumb enough to not be concerned, but that is unjustifiably stupid.

The iOttie One Touch is the best selling smartphone car mount, and sports almost 7000 Amazon reviews with an average of 4.5 stars., which is a lot of stars, and brings an unobtrusive, simple design to your dashboard. It's also less than half the price of the Ram.

The iOttie One Touch is the best selling smartphone car mount, and sports almost 7000 Amazon reviews with an average

Why is it airlines are the one industry that is supposed to give bereavement fares, refund purchases due to changed circumstances and generally hold their customer's hands?

You're right about the difficulty…actually whether it's a credit card or debit card. There's something visceral, primal even, about taking cash out of your pocket and handing it over that makes you feel the purchase more than swiping a card.

I log into the website of my CC bank and pay it off every weekend. That way it never builds up bigger than I realized. And I'd much rather deal with a false charge on my card than fight to refill my empty bank account.

Go to and set up budgets. Then you can modify your statement of:

This is terribly. No reputable journalism source should have a front page article with a heading that basically reads JAMEIS WINSTON RAPED A WOMAN, especially after the justice department has declined to prosecute the case. Maybe he is innocent, maybe he is guilty, but innocent until proven guilty used to be a real

coool, small world. I wore down that record as everyone else in school were stuck on gangsta rap whatever the fuck.

Does having a last name of "Torchinsky" make you the go-to guy for burning car stories?