This is a total deal breaker for me. 85% of the games in my collection are used. Once I beat a game's campaign I typically don't play it again (with the exceptions of FPSes and sports games). It doesn't make sense for me to pay 60 bucks (or more for next gen games) just to play for a few hours. ESPECIALLY if I

I hope they dramatically improve their voice command tech from the current console. It's friggin' horrible right now!

I'm breaking the chains of slavery and leaving Verizon in June to go to Straight Talk. I'm planning on coughing up the $650 to get this device. I figure if I'm going to be paying around 600 bucks anyway to get an off contract smartphone, I might as well get one that has Google's official stamp of approval (unlocked

If they did the pose wrong would it have become an HTC First?

Closing credit accounts can also affect your average age of credit. The older your credit the better so if you have a credit card that you don't use and it's 10 years old, don't close it. Just make sure you keep your contact information updated. I was a victim of fraud once because I had forgotten about an old

I spent SO many hours playing Soul Caliber and Shenmue.

Fine by me. Microsoft has made my decision of which next gen console to purchase much easier.

I work around 45-55 hours a week, but I have a 6 day work week so it's spread out. I work every weekend and quite a few evenings, but I love what I do and I sleep until around 10 almost every day (I hate mornings). I have no complaints.

What the heck kind of degree do you have? Philosophy?

What would need to change in order for me to give up email completely? My job. I don't use it much outside of work, but my employer would not be pleased if I started ignoring emails from coworkers.

This might be my favorite.

I just stopped by to make sure someone made the obligatory reference to that video.

Turn around

"they aren't counter intuitive, just different from what people normally expect"

You are correct.

Well trolled, sir... We'll trolled.

I'm sorry, but Borderlands 2 just felt like a Borderlands 1 expansion pack. I pre-ordered it because I assumed it would be awesome and ended up selling it on Craigslist within a week. At least with a game like Black Ops 2 I get infinite playability with multiplayer. Borderlands was fun, but Borderlands 2 didn't

I'm pretty sure past searches get factored into Google's algorithm. I always stay signed in to my Google account and it's to the point now that it feels like Google is reading my mind when I search for things. The exact thing I want is usually somewhere within the first 3 results. It's a very rare occasion when I

I'm so glad I have an Android device. It's bad enough that the iPhone uses a proprietary charging port, but now they've changed it so that their loyal (to the point of stupidity) customers have to buy all new cables/adapters and accessories?