This might be my favorite.
This might be my favorite.
I just stopped by to make sure someone made the obligatory reference to that video.
Turn around
"they aren't counter intuitive, just different from what people normally expect"
You are correct.
I'm sorry, but Borderlands 2 just felt like a Borderlands 1 expansion pack. I pre-ordered it because I assumed it would be awesome and ended up selling it on Craigslist within a week. At least with a game like Black Ops 2 I get infinite playability with multiplayer. Borderlands was fun, but Borderlands 2 didn't…
I'm pretty sure past searches get factored into Google's algorithm. I always stay signed in to my Google account and it's to the point now that it feels like Google is reading my mind when I search for things. The exact thing I want is usually somewhere within the first 3 results. It's a very rare occasion when I…
I'm so glad I have an Android device. It's bad enough that the iPhone uses a proprietary charging port, but now they've changed it so that their loyal (to the point of stupidity) customers have to buy all new cables/adapters and accessories?
Here is why CoD continues to be successful:
Until it's officially supported on the Verizon Galaxy Nexus, it's no use to me. I'm not going to install an .apk from some random download link and then enter my credit card info into it. That could go very wrong very fast.
Off topic:
This was fun to watch, but it's hard to get past the fact that Capt. America, being an enhanced human, is far stronger than Batman, and Batman is way too intelligent to fight him fairly in hand to hand combat.
Honestly, I don't feel like there's any room for debate. I had great times with both consoles, but SNES just crushes Genesis in every category. It had better games and a better controller (by a mile). Saying the Genesis is better is like saying the Dreamcast was better than the PS2.
"McDonald's sweet tea (made with a pound of sugar per gallon)"
"They have full control over the hardware and software"
Yeah...tell that to Sanjay Jha.
Casey: Florida doesn't get weirder than this
That is true. That's probably why we don't have an Autobahn in the US.
The middle finger is misplaced...but still well deserved.
"Behind the wheel" means actually driving on public streets, not watching videos.