Arrested Development and Party Down? That's it? You need to spend more time searching the Netflix streaming library, friend. 30 Rock, The Office, My Name is Earl, Louie, Family Guy, South Park, Chapelle Show, etc, etc. And those are just comedy shows. There's a crap ton of good stuff on just have to

See Billy Madison is like his golden movie IMO. It's one of those movies from which my friends and I used to quote lines and laugh every time. I liked the movies you mentioned too though. I think Adam Sandler is just funny. I laugh just looking at the guy.

I lol'd hard.

I hate doing dishes and cleaning too. I should probably just dive into my swimming pool full of money and fish out a few thousand for a full time maid.

Netflix lost a crap ton of subs because they were making idiotic decisions (*cough*Qwikster*cough*). They're still not going under. Like I said, if people don't have a better option, they will stay. If a company is going to take them out it's going to be something more like Hulu or Amazon Prime. If the content

LOL @ Drake's face! That pic is dying for a caption contest!

All the edited clips fit together pretty well, except for the Matrix: Reloaded clip where the guy is standing on the hood. Where did he come from? Is he Will Smith's friend?

I still disagree. I think what we will eventually wind up with is something similar to the cable TV model, except delivered via internet. The customer will have the option of different packages with different content from various providers. If people want to pay a premium over the basic subscription to view content

Point Break? thanks.

I liked Hellboy. And Billy Madison is funny to me. You either love Sandler or you hate him.

Wow! It's amazing how much garbage is on Starz Play. There was a "Dream a Little Dream 2"? Seriously!? Someone green lit that, but I can't get a Halo movie made by the guy who did District 9?

I'm browsing now...I'll update this thread as I find stuff.

"Meh. The only truly great movie I see here is Toy Story 3."

I disagree. There needs to be a middle man. What do you think Comcast has been all these years? Do you want to have to pay for subscriptions to 15 different content providers' services just to watch all the shows and movies you like? I don't. I want to get everything in one place and I will always patronize the

What!? tell your wife her cooking tastes like crap and let me know how that goes.


My wife is addicted to this crap. The worst part about it is that she keeps getting all these terrible recipes from it, and it's my duty as a husband to force my mouth to smile as I choke down mouthfuls of congealed pig bile.

It's all fun and games until this happens to the Sun.
