I was thinking more mutating into some kind of zombie. Or go the opposite route and become like a super human and gaining powers.
I was thinking more mutating into some kind of zombie. Or go the opposite route and become like a super human and gaining powers.
Well if he stole a bunch of money from someone yes he is a criminal. Haven't spoken with him and don't know him personally so he might be pretentious.
Better idea: Let's load of tranq guns with vaccines and hit the local playground Call of Duty style.
Internet: Hackers are cool and mysterious. Or better yet they are fighters for justice and liberty protecting us from the government and corporations. Back in the day they were rugged outlaws in the wild wild west.
I'm no expert on birth control and I know there are multiple methods of it, but isn't the point to take it and be able to have sex when ever you want? Obviously there are times that you wouldn't, though aren't there methods that completely stop the whole monthly process? All kinds of injections and implants and what…
Looks like like around half the states do collect it. Luckily I've lived in states that haven't all my life^^
You remind me of a kid a knew in college. He'd grab 4 natty ice's out of the fridge and open all of them, drinking one and letting the other ones set because he wanted them to "warm up"
This would mean sales tax in every state that they plan to purchase a Radio Shack right? That would be awful for them, one of the biggest draws to amazon for large purchases is saving on the tax. If an item was $489.99 on Amazon and $499.99 at Bestbuy and I had to pay tax on both I'd rather go to BestBuy and have it…
If it's 2025 and I'm still using alkaline batteries I'll be sad.
Yah, but I don't take the calories too seriously. Micromanaging them is impossible due to labels and portions not being accurate, but it's a really good guideline to follow and it has been producing good results for me thus far. Like yesterday I got a small sub sandwich from the newsstand in the library. It didn't…
"Dude, you're getting a Dell"
Thanks! yah I picked 1800 as goal based on what would be a decent maintenance number for the weight I want to be. Right now my 30 day average is 1824. There are days where I'll eat closer to 1600 and days where I'll eat near 2000. I really agree with the flexible aspect. I really like the altoid method because they…
Kinda of mean to the theater. I read an article (probably from here) on how the movie theater model works and it's really weird. They have to charge so much for food and extras because something like 90% of ticket sales go to the studios when the movie is first released. It goes down after that though, but less people…
I've bounced around with fad diets over the years and never found lasting results. Currently I'm just doing calorie tracking. I tracked for my first day to see exactly how much I was eating at the end of the day I was hungry and wanted a snack, so I checked my calories and realized I'd already eaten 3200 for the day.…
"When was the last time you sent a fax? 2000? 1995?"
This just in: People don't like every aspect of their job.
Them as in who? Trust me the kids working the phones aren't scheming to contact people who don't want to be contact. You'd be better off calling the alumni department and complaining to someone that can actually change something.
Nope, not enough lens flare.
My god that's awful to take it out on them like that, they are students on financial aid getting very little money to do the job since it's nearly impossible to find a job outside of college when you have a crazy schedule.
I disagree, heat energy is not equivalent to nutritional calories that can produce fat. By your reasoning the human body could create fat cells by being heated or by shocking itself with electrical energy because it's equivalent to calories energy wise?