
Google search>Calories in coffee>before search results Google app sites USDA calories in 1 cup of black coffee 1 calorie > Wikipedia side bar says calories in coffee is 1 calorie> Every first page result says 0 calorie, 1 calorie, 2 calorie, or very few. Not sure what European strength means, it looks like coffee

I recently starting drinking my coffee black. Starting out it kind of sucked, probably the first 3-4 days it was pretty bad, but now I'm used to it and enjoy it. I feel it's a lot more healthy to do that instead of putting in a fake sugar and a non-dairy creamer (like I used to do).

I've been around the RC hobby for years, one of my favorite ways they launch gliders is from the back of a traditional nitro powered plane, towing them up and then releasing them.

"It's time for a change, Meg."

90K middle class? 50K poverty line? Jesus my family has never been out of poverty lol.

Concecpt? The whole website is 2 minutes in Illustrator or Paint. Just look at the url, it's a .io address which I've never even heard of so I Wikipediad it.

I've heard he does some pretty good work, will have to check some of those movies. Wish I wasn't introduced to him through such a poor film.

Are all Spike Lee movies awful? I had to watch "Bamboolzed" for an American studies class and write a paper on it. Granted it's the only one I watched, but it was pretty awful from the story to the acting to the camera work. Don't get me wrong I like social satire and parodies, but this thing was like a parody of

Is it common for snow blowers to be non self propelled? It looks awful how the guy is using, you can see how he is leaning and straining in the video to push it. My dad dumpster dove an old snow blower about 10 years ago, thing is massive and ways like 300lbs and pulls itself, you could stand on a sled and be dragged

I've never been to Boston, but I know people that live there and they swear by this meme.

Damn that thing is awesome, would still be terrified to come up behind it, seeing it shooting out massive blocks of concrete a few feet away from me.

I wouldn't say it's endangered. I'm a senior getting my BA in industrial design and while we don't have sketching classes this year, only our thesis in the spring and fall was client projects and competitions, we've had product specific drawing classes. In addition to those we've had to take 3 drawing classes. It was

Idk if he's aged a ton (He's like 60 now?) or it's just not having the glasses that makes me not even recognize him.

I guess that's possible. It's weird though, the apartment complex offers their own awful internet subscription through another provider (Don't think it's frontier, some kind of independent company) . My best guess is that the apartments lines are crappy and they don't want to service them, or I they think that the

I have frontier, it's awful. I was having speed troubles and they sent out a technician. He called me when I was at work so I couldn't answer. I get back home and find that my internet had been downgraded 2 tiers. WTF? Their response was "Opps he did the the wrong ticket" and it took another day to get my speed back

Is a 2013 laptop ancient or something? I love my 2013 Dell laptop, kicks the crap out of most people's desktops.

I mean ads are what they are, they intend to manipulate you into buying a product/service. I don't mind them, I understand that they are an integral part of the business model of a television network and without them the network couldn't function unless it's some type of subscription service, doesn't HBO have a