“they would seethe at their local bartender comic store clerk”.
“they would seethe at their local bartender comic store clerk”.
I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.
Nope. I personally take the very rare and controversial position that it was good, not the greatest, not the worst thing ever, just good.
Once upon a Detective Pikachu: Same framing device as Once upon a Deadpool, but it’s Fred Savage telling Ryan Reynolds/Detective Pikachu/Deadpool? an R-Rated version of the movie Detective Pikachu
Fun fact, Grey Worm is two days from retirement.
Yo, if you prioritize the life of your family member over a bus load of kids... you’re a bad person. It’d be like if your family member was a fire fighter and you insisted they quit because all the good they do is not worth the potential risk to their own life.
Young Clark: So I’m kind of thinking I should use my powers for good, to help people and stuff.
Halladay said he wanted to go in as a Blue Jay. Here’s the video evidence, and it is unequivocal:
I’ve never met the man, but I think he would prefer to go in as a Binghamton Rumble Pony. Now you might ask “did he ever play for the Mets AA affiliate?”
PB&B on toaster waffles is my favorite weekday breakfast.
I’m a Christian, and if they try to start a Muslim registry, I’ll register too. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that bigotry and hatred cannot and will not succeed as policies of the US government.
Young men who are skilled at football tend to be skilled at other athletic pursuits as well. What’ll happen is that you’ll gradually see more and more guys who might’ve gone to college on football scholarships instead going into other sports, sports that generally don’t carry the risk of making you both a cripple and a…
Hope I’m not the only one who didn’t come anywhere close to getting this joke
I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.
I read every one of these - and there were definitely some gems - but I just flat-out can’t get over putting jelly on pizza, let alone asking for it like it’s not completely insane.
Eh, Nintendo got Ocarina of Time. I’m sad for all the Playstation suckers that didn’t get to experience that when it came out.