
Niantic, creators of Ingress, were spun off from Google last year. Google wasn’t involved in any of this.

Those stupid Nike uniforms left me SMDH. How are they so unaware of colorblindness? Did they appoint some fashion school dropouts to design sport uniforms?

Someone should print photos of a big fat man’s tits on bikini tops for women to wear. It is a safe and sexless male nipple. That is completely different than the scandalous female nipple.

I was in that situation but in 4th or 5th grade. The teacher was a very weak presence in the class room so the kids took the reins. One group of boys decided I needed daily torture, with words and physically throwing objects at me. I ran out of the classroom in fear, desperate to escape them, at least twice.

He used to have a terrible stutter. Maybe it is more pronounced in English. It contributes to his awkwardness. Probably one of also one of the reasons this is so stilted and off kilter. They probably had to cut it up into tiny pieces and somehow keep the sounds of the children consistent.

The Fitbit One also stays charged for over a week.

The Fitbit One also stays charged for over a week.

A guy in the YouTube comments claims to have been one of the players and said it was a needle. That would work. Wouldn’t have to penetrate much at all. Leather really grabs ahold of needles. No sticky substance to foul the ball.

When the very rich guy I worked for gave a political donation, he usually cut a check from himself, one from his wife, one from each of his adult kid’s trusts, one from each of his companies, he’d even ask his friends to give and he’d pay them back by making a donation to a candidate/cause the friend was supporting. A

Both arms going stiff is called a “Fencing Response”. Usually it is only one arm on the side of the head that was hit. I think the fact that both of his arms stiffened shows that he was hit dead center.

I never played hockey but the science of what is causing the smell and how to get rid of it is interesting. It sounds like hockey gear could make a citydump smell worse.

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Possibly this. It is extremely disturbing. It is so unbelievable it almost feels staged but it is surely real. I don’t watch gore because it is so revolting but I accidentally saw this when watching hooning videos.

Interesting. Thank you for the information.

It is really disingenuous to call him a “Streamer” when the great bulk of his money probably came from the almost 2 BILLION views on his YouTube channel. Yes 2 BILLLION! (To be exact: 1,912,333,473 views).

You are right. His music videos are huge.

Trans women are mostly heterosexual also, so they are attracted to straight men. It is well know that straight men are a danger to cis straight women. Margaret Atwood said: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.”

If I had told my friends I was thinking about making this app, they would have immediately told me that it is a terrible idea. This makes me wonder about her friends. Does she have any? Are they completely clueless? Or do they actually want her to be humiliated?

I met Vanna White at a party once. She looked like a Bratz doll. Tiny little doll body with a too large head.

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The linked video is stolen. Here it is on the video / dog owner’s channel:

It may be changing now but when I was growing up I think most gay kids grew up feeling like they were strangers who didn’t belong in their actual home, in their city, in their state, and even their country. Most feared they wouldn’t be welcome anywhere if people actually knew the truth.

I’m guilty of adding poofy sleeves to a 50’s gown when it was worn for an 80’s wedding. I wrote up the whole thing above. The sleeves were complete replacements as the originals were removed when the gown was worn in the 70’s so it wasn’t too sinful.