MLB embeds work perfectly, are crisp, clean, and load quickly on my Android phone. I wish Deadspin would license their player code.
MLB embeds work perfectly, are crisp, clean, and load quickly on my Android phone. I wish Deadspin would license their player code.
Trying to be "Cool Dad"?, or too much time on Vine?:
Who is Haji?
After watching the Royals ball boy snag a live ball, I really appreciate the ball girl here grabbing her chair and getting out of the way.
Your version has gone missing.
lightning strikes truck.:
lightning strikes truck.:
a_pink_poodle identified it: Kumala Vista
I don't know if there isn't any video or if it just isn't showing up because I'm on my phone, but here is a vine of the pitch.
I wondered if the joke was just to lower their defenses so they wouldn't complain about the yellow pants.
Those are revolting. I knew they had pink kit but didn't know it also included atrocious design.
How does your shoulder get that involved in masturbation? Wrist, elbow or hand I can see, but not shoulder.
"T-rex arms" made that comment a visual treat. Too funny.
Obviously the drama is all revolving around her. The guy and her gay friend probably have no idea she cares or was trying to figure out what went on between them. If her gay friend told her they got together he was probably just bragging about a conquest, and not realizing it would bug her.
News said the cops say they "stopped the chase" after he drove through the park because they didn't want to endanger kids. But someone chased him back through the park a second time and there were cops right on his tail when the truck stopped him.
17 huh? Let me see. What could I do at 17, that I couldn't do at 41?
That's funny.
"The usual solution would be for Whitehurst to make Kern an offer for it. "
In India it is a men's sport.
Just curious if he knows "CD" means "Cross Dresser".