
My Dad worked for my Geologist uncle when they were doing soundings of the bottom of the bay for the trans-bay tube. He was born in 38, and 17-18 when doing the soundings so it would have been '55-56. Really sad that people in the 50s predicted correctly what was needed, started work on it, and now almost 60 years

I was pepper sprayed in the eyes during a mugging attempt. The cops very nicely offered to drive me the 4 blocks to my apartment, then proceeded to intentionally drive the wrong way on a one way street.

There is a video of this happening to a man on the internet. I won't search for it. It is surveillance video shot at the bottom of an escalator. A guy walks up holding a long piece of wood (7'+). He stepped on the Up escalator and stood the piece of wood next to him on the step. As they start going up, the piece of

If you live in a medium to large city and want to meet people play Ingress. It is an Android game and you play it in the real world. You actually have to get off your couch and go to some location in your city and capture the portal there.

Penis + gun

Does it hurt all the time? Or

I'm pretty sure Nicole got banned for asking him for his friend code.

City CarShare in San Francisco has a family share plan. Their policy is: you pick your family. If you consider your best friend to be family and you want to add him, fine. Add your sister, your boyfriend, your Ex Step Mom, your personal assistant, ... all fine with them.

But... but... I need to explain things on the internet. Where will I go?

As a gay kid who grew up in TX and spent my last 2 years of high school in Conroe outside of Houston, I did laugh at your joke, but Houston has had a Democratic Mayor since 1982. It isn't as conservative as you'd think.

At Starbucks, I have to occasionally open a webpage and agree to the terms to access, then shut down the browser. With the 3ds at the home screen, close it and wait from 2 to 5 minutes for a spotpass streetpass to arrive. If you are the last person that visited that location, then you are the one it has stored in

Hold on a second. What kind of games are you playing over here on Kotaku?

I wish I could conjure up some more players and portals for you. All I can say is come visit San Francisco sometime. :)

We had a cross faction meet up last night. About 20 of us met at a bar at 6pm for beers/cocktails. 9 of my team met an hour earlier to build a farm (group capture).

I walk everywhere. This is where I live in San Francisco. Though most people aren't as lucky as I am with so many portals so close by. Some people play from cars (Cargressers), especially those who don't live in a big city, but almost everyone I play with plays on foot.

Very common question we see in comm chat from new players: "How do you walk?"

Parents were divorced and remarried. Natural grandparents were divorced and remarried. Making 4 parents and 6 sets of grandparents. Christmas was a haul but most of them bought stuff for the kid they wanted (evidence points to Cowboy/Athlete), not the one they had (Gay/Science Nerd/Maker).

My non-super super power would be the ability to shrink down to about 5' tall 130# when I sit down into an airline seat, or any crowded transit. Then pop back up to 6'2" 200# when it is time to carry the bags.

You name and shame people for tasteless Halloween costumes. Now is the time to do some investigative reporting. Find out who is responsible and name them.

Can't wait for their edgy take supporting Breast Cancer Survivors.