Playing through Hollow Knight for the second time on the Switch.

Finally hit my stride in Stardew Valley, so I’m gonna spend the weekend playing before I drop off again.

I’ve become hopelessly addicted to Hollow Knight ever since it released on Switch. I’ll probably be playing that all weekend, with some intermittent Fortnite and Rocket League matches to break it up a bit.

God, I love the Switch...

No one LEAPS like Gaston!

And the chin thing? Tf is that?? It’s like when someone tries to dance really hard by doing all the moves simultaneously. How is it possible to be that rich, famous, talented and beautiful and still be so fucking thirsty?

You should see Confucius lacrosse.

Pfft. This team got lucky.

I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.

Is Fortnite voice chat only possible on Switch while in handheld mode, then, or is it possible to voice chat even while the Switch (and therefore, the headphone jack) is docked 10 feet away? I’ll admit I don’t game online much so if this is a dumb question, let me know. (Maybe wireless headsets have this problem taken

Epic should pull Fortnite BR from the PSN store until Sony unblocks this. Since Sony is making money on Fortnite purchases, they will likely not want to anger the biggest game in the world right now. Epic should use their clout for good.

Now if we could get this done on a universal scale on the switch, maybe we could start working towards stereo bluetooth headset support.

I love that Epic actually made the two error messages on Switch and PS4 different just so the Switch error message can make it as clear that it’s Sony’s fault as they can without using their name.

The word reports was a link to the article to describing it, but here’s the gist: If you’ve ever linked your Epic games account to your PSN account, you cannot use that account on Fortnite on Switch, and vise versa. It appears to be because of Sony because the error message when you try to play on Switch says “This

everything except PS4

Also, they couldn’t figure out how to get a big cut and control everything about it.

Because the legislators are mostly very old, and are scared by the loud noise blinky light tv games.

They misspelled Cockatoo in the main image though. Can we really trust the motives of someone so careless?

Totilo cemented his dad-hood with that “4tnite” joke.

Battlefield Royale.

Fuck you Nazi punk.