Hey Triple Beam, since you’re making a point using “generation” grouping, you might be interested in this article about heterogeneity and the limitations of such groupings. (Don’t worry, it’s statistics not a social justice term.)
Hey Triple Beam, since you’re making a point using “generation” grouping, you might be interested in this article about heterogeneity and the limitations of such groupings. (Don’t worry, it’s statistics not a social justice term.)
You wrote a lot of fancy words to say “stop talking shit about Trump if you want to keep your jobs”.
You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.
Quite a bit of the map has changed, sure large swaths of the map are the same as season 3 but literally dozens of spots on the map have been changed, old loot spots have gone, new ones popped up elsewhere. When you’re dealing with a game where the map is arguably the most important thing, their handling of this…
I dont know...it kind of sounds like you’re actively attempting to not enjoy it.
That seems like a lot to me. Did you think people were expecting an ENTIRELY different map? 100% new weapons?
Congrats. You’re “that guy”.
Forgot to mention that you can earn enough V-Bucks to pay for the next seasons battle pass. So if you play enough, a battle pass will only cost you 9.99 once.
Also, he did essentially the same thing in Guardians 2 and beat Ego. His anger at Ego for killing his mom propels him to use his passion to control the planet’s power, and kill him.
Godspeed to Mike and his family. If the Oreo Executives see this article, they know that they owe him a Fahey-themed Oreo for all the fabulous PR that he has given them through the years. :-)
Mike, I don’t have the right words. So I’ll just say get well soon. We’ll be excited to have you back, but take your time to recovery fully. Until then, I’ll be thinking of you as I type away on my mechanical keyboard (MX Blues, BTW, to annoy my coworkers).
Everything is hearsay here, so what’s with all the glib, anti-Swift shit. She’s a human being doing what she can to survive.
After she gave Ke$ha $250,000 to help fight off Dr. Luke and hearing that she treats her ENTIRE concert crew to a vacation anywhere in the world, I can only assume she is nice than most people…
If FX and Marvel were 100% happy with Glover and the direction of Deadpool, one script about Taylor Swift wouldn’t have ended the series. Even Stephen said that script was the last straw, presumably of many straws. So it feels unfair that Swift gets the blame when it could’ve been any script FX and Marvel didn’t like…
that’s the plan
I might die if I try to review all games, though that doesn’t mean I won’t try anyway!
I mean, I’m positive it’s in the works... I’m just equally positive that we won’t be seeing it for a good long time yet. I think they’ve said they plan to release two whole Bethesda Game Studios games* before the next TES? It’s probably gonna come out a couple of years after the PS5\next Xbox.
I was just going to read the article, then I clicked the video and heard to the voice.
Maybe I’m a massive bore, but nigiri is my favorite.
Keep your fancy rolls and your deep fried sushi.
Give me a ball of vinegared rice (sweeter is better) with some raw, tender fish on top, preferably with a thin spread of wasabi in the middle!
I think it’s sort of obvious why Deke is behaving more like a kid now than he did when he was introduced. He now gets to be a kid and he is experiencing—for the very first time—all of the things we take for granted. Imagine you’ve been deprived of everything you enjoyed throughout your entire life and then suddenly…
Seriously dude. That’s the most ridiculous argument i’ve ever seen. “Thinking of the children” GTFO. Most games being streamed are about emptying clips on other people, cleaving heads off, wandering on desolate psycho people’s haunted houses, slaying demons.
Children literally have tits shoved in their faces for a…