No, it is as big a deal as he’s making out of it. Twitch streaming is his job, basically. You got your driver’s license suspended? Well, you can still find other ways to get to work. He’d have to find, essentially, a new “employer.”
No, it is as big a deal as he’s making out of it. Twitch streaming is his job, basically. You got your driver’s license suspended? Well, you can still find other ways to get to work. He’d have to find, essentially, a new “employer.”
Believe me, if he saw Streaming as his job, he would follow the rules. Or do you see everyday work people getting naked and covering themselves with tomato sauce at their jobs and still being employed the next day?
Streaming is “a hobby that makes money” for him. He should have been permabanned a long time ago, and is…
I wonder if there will ever be an article that makes me at least empathetic towards a Twitch streamer.
Totally. Don’t get me wrong, I love gaming and it’ll always be a part of my life, but I’m very glad I’m developing new interests as I get older. Interests that are no better or worse than Twitch-ing, but interests I feel like I wouldn’t have appreciated when I was younger.
What a surreal and slightly idiotic set of circumstances. I can’t identify with any part of this article, not the streamers, his viewers, his living situation, his apparent lack of adult coping skills to engage in other more conventional social activities during his suspension. These articles about Twitch, the…
BREAKING: White Guy Continues To Fail Upward On Wave Of Hipster Bullshit
I’ve only played a few matches, but stuck around to watch to the end. Watched in wonder/horror as the final two partook in some crazy dance where they were building walls while lobbing rockets back and forth at one another, almost in sync. I’m over here not even remembering for sure what all of the buttons map to and…
They need a way for console players to change the build order. Theres combat pro that at least lets me use LB/RB to select but we cant hot key stuff like PC.
The only time I took first place happened because I hunkered down in a small building with 5 people left. The protected area just so happened to keep centered on my little shack (with no roof) and I sat terrified for minutes as I listened to gunfire and waited for someone to come in and wreck my shit. I felt like a…
I agree that this isn’t the year, but we can’t whitewash him out of the history of video games. I know it’s hard to have nuanced discussions about these things, but we can’t really have a society where everyone is judged by the worst thing they have ever done. People are good and bad, people learn, people make…
You know what gets me? That whole “A Few Bad Apples” defense? It forgets the next like “A few bad apples... spoil the whole bunch.”. These departments, a LOT of departments, need to have a whole house cleaning, down to the fucking floor boards. Rip out all the training material. Rip out the senior officers. Start it…
Holy shit, lay off the recreational outrage.
The technology is the same so the mention of past uses and the moral questions that raises is directly related to this, the same use of the technology, again mapping faces onto films they did not appear.
You’re CHOOSING to be outraged, because that’s in nowadays. I need a…
Listen, every conservative in this country saw millions of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11, and if you ask to see video proof, that just means you’re a secret Muslim, too. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.
The real problem here is, once someone like Hannity (or Trump) has said it, no matter how often they or anyone else goes back on it, the lie will be repeated ad infinitum. Just ask someone on the right about this now: they’ll tell you Trump never tried to fire him and the NY Times lied. Or ask someone on the right…
Barry in prison is actually a Barry I like. He’s having to exercise patience and a bit of foresight.
I switched TO Chrome from FireFox last year because FireFox was such a memory hog. I have a half-dozen or more tabs open at one time and it was using 500MB or more. Chrome right now using 350MB.
I hear they upgraded FF to help with these issues, but I’m going to stick with Chrome until it gives me issues as I’m not…
Literally now literally means not literally.
I picked up Blossom Tales on the Switch based on your guys’ recommendation and I’m loving it!
So, while this version technically came out after the home version, its important to note that the NES did not get a wide US release until late 1986. So, for people outside of NYC and LA, this could have been the first version they ever played- it was for me. I got my NES Christmas 1986 after the nationwide launch (I…
I laughed at the Switch and awaited its failure, going so far as to call it Nintendo’s nail in the coffin. I was sure we’d see a PS4 of Xbox Zelda within a few years as Nintendo left the hardware business to focus on developing.