I remember when Rerun got caught trying to illegally record the Doobie Brothers concert.
Yep. Ocean’s 11 has arguably the most charm and swagger per second of runtime of any movie in the last 30 years.
“Waiting, sweetheart, just waiting!” became an inside joke in my family. “I’m gonna get out of the truck and drop you like third period French!”
It’s also really surprisingly funny. And fuck it’s cast is good.
Ocean’s 11 holds up like a motherfucker. It’s just so effortless and charming and silly.
It’s like someone made a movie out of We Didn’t Start The Fire.
“What if we took Zelig, but made it about a mentally disabled goy?”
You’re basically Finns!
My personal favourite from his filmography is Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. This is going to make future rewatches of the Ocean’s movies ever sadder (they were already a stark reminder that the world is a worse place without Bernie Mac in it).
Love his great performance in Ocean’s Eleven, including one one of the funniest film lines ever: ‘Tess is with Benedict? She’s too tall for him!’
i still can’t believe mel brooks is alive. i could have sworn he died last year.
the daily walks that kept him active into his 90th decade.
Reading this article was kind of a weird experience. I’ve never seen the Lethal Weapon movies, so I’ll leave those aside, but people’s affection for stuff like Back to the Future Part 2 and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids just baffles me. They’re cute, and they’re certainly not bad. They’re fine. Even Batman is a hard movie…
Glad she managed to beat that kidnapping charge and is back at work now.
A good version of the show would force the boss to live on the wages he gives his lowest employee for a year.
I’ve never understood how all the employees are supposed to buy that they’re being given some fiftysomething white guy as the new trainee while they’re filming them for some unnamed reality show. Yeah, right.
Dude, Matt straight up sucks!