Chamomiles Davis

Last thing I ever need to see is Michael Palin, arguably the most cheerful man in history, cry.

Tried as I might, I was never able to get my kids interested in Python, or the Marx Bros. for that matter. But my daughter and I share 30 Rock, Scrubs and NewsRadio as “our shows,” and I wouldn’t trade the time spent watching those with her, explaining some jokes, explaining some history, delighting when she got the

Streaming TV is one of the joys of having 21st century children. Oh...and I’ve shown him much of the age appropriate The Kids In The Hall sketches and he adores early The Simpsons. And Weird Al (especially Albuquerque).

My ten year old son loves Python...and Portlandia and The Office and, likely, 30 Rock when I finally introduce him to it.

I loved it. It was mich better than Cats. I’m going to see it again and again.

Needs more North Hollywood Henry

D’Arcy Carden should have won performance for best ensemble. Just sayin’.

Why would Bojack ever listen to someone on the phone?

For the record, you really should watch The Good Place. It’s pretty amazing television.

I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped. 

I’m not sure why I find “my friend who is Brad Pitt” so funny, but I audibly snorted when I read it. 

The choices you put up there to do instead of tweeting doesn’t include the best choice, a nap. I hear rich people can afford time to do that. What a luxury.

We very obviously cannot.


I do not understand why people can’t just log off and walk away. It’s such a rare thing to see, and usually accompanied by some form of declarative which doesn’t help the situation. Celebrities in particular need to know when to disengage, their reach being what it is.

Periodically I see a tweet go viral and the original author eventually jumps in with “okay, muting this tweet now, bye” and I’m always in favor of it. Just go do something else. Twitter’s stupid, if you’re on it long enough you’re going to tweet something you regret, and you can’t take any of it too seriously.

For something that could be so good, the internet sure can be bad.  It will be interesting to see if we can rise above our own worst instincts and save our society/culture.

Also, those uniforms are fucking beautiful.

“If you want to know what my power is, pull my finger.”