Recently realized that my next destination is a site that does not have comments, I will be lost... adrift...
I was a shitty commenter on Deadspin long before I worked here and I expect to be a shitty commenter here well after
You’re going to spend your last day here explaining things that are way too nuanced for a Trump supporter to accept?
Dear sir, I for one am deeply offended with how you refer to this man as part of a S’more. S’mores are awesome and bring together white, black, and tan together in a wonderful, harmonious union. This asshole is clearly the mayo of a mayo only white bread sandwich.
Always creepy when he asks if he can show us his pogs.
That was alway true.
Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
Klutch Sports Group, which sounds like a Macedonian gag news site
That this has (now) 18 stars makes me feel very happy
Deadspin needs more BJH references.
Russian women can’t get pregnant by non-white players. Putin told me so.
You didn’t read the fine print, Comrade?
Wow, with a handle like “Chamomiles Davis” you must’ve been just waiting for this to come along!
Mine will chase it, but then do his own thing with it. Like “if you wanted it back you shouldn’t have thrown it!”
in philly its also called the Fred Wilpon effect
Shhhhh... Adam Reed states that he lurks in the comments section.
Well, at this point, Adam Reed has given us enough great jokes and episodes to get a free pass, but I won’t hide that I’m disappointed as well as not very surprised.
couple things about the space teaser: 1) nice little shoutout to Archer & Trinette’s mostly-forgotten wee baby, as the ship’s (the Merchant Vessel Seamus) computer systems come back online, and 2) the fact that Pam’s cryopod was bigger than everyone else’s made me giggle
ETA: a bit of googling refreshed my memory that…