Seems this brilliance is mostly lost on the deadspin commentariat. Who knew we weren’t all a bunch of Dirty Dancing fans?
Seems this brilliance is mostly lost on the deadspin commentariat. Who knew we weren’t all a bunch of Dirty Dancing fans?
“It Stinks!”
It would be much better with Steph in the Swayze position and JaVale as Jennifer Grey.
What I am getting at is, throw Steph toward the basket from beyond the three-point line, like a human javelin
Hate to be the wet blanket on the on this fun discussion but Steph cannot piggyback on anyone’s shoulders.
suppose steph takes the inbound and runs to half court and jumps into the arms of Javale Mcgee (a la Dirty Dancing) who carries him to the hoop for a bucket.
Yeah, that’s not true. Groening said many times during the controversy that he wasn’t objecting to The Critic’s quality (in fact it’s likely he’d never seen the show at all.) He just didn’t like the idea of The Simpsons being used to promote another show, plus it bothered him that some newspapers were incorrectly…
I do love that “never seen it” though. As if that means it has to be terrible.
...he quickly dispatches with Archer (“overrated”), South Park (“same show every week”), and BoJack Horseman (“never seen it”).
I hear Mort Sahl comes in for quite the roasting as well.
The critic was great. Dumb punch lines and goofy sight gags were the whole point of the show, it was never trying to have a coherent plot.
Still agree that it has no place in a book billed as being about the simpsons.
They don’t care whose toes they step on!
He went after Nichols and May? Wow, this guy is leaving no prisoners! Super relevant!
This biography of Mike Reiss came out awfully quickly, it’s not even about him! Inside it’s mostly about Ross Perot and the last two chapters are excerpts from the Oliver North trial.
As a Flyers fan, I am finding this Capitals team more likable than I ever could have imagined. Ovi is having the time of his life and he deserves it. Good on him.
I never really watched his Food Network or Travel Channel or CNN shows, but I loved his guest shot in season 4 of Archer.
Rovell Daily Times’s slogan is “Self-Owned and Self-Owning.”
/self-assured chuckling
//furious note-taking
DeMar DeLosin’
He is a blunt instrument.