Chamomiles Davis

He wrote a book back in the 80s that I read many times over basically a mini biography that also discussed how to do certain coin tricks and sleight of hand. I remember reading a passage where he and his friend used to sit at a crosswalk and place bets on which leg pedestrians would step off the curb with when the


They’d be more comfortable with his kneeling if they ran the victory formation every once in a while.

I hope ROY voting hasn’t closed yet

Holy shit, this was special. I was a ball boy back when Andre was at American University. I remember him so fondly. I spent half the game on the phone with my father - an alum and season ticket holder for almost 40 years - both of geeking us, so proud.

This article massively simplifies and just flat out gets several aspects of the premise wrong, The Boys are not hitmen, they are government employed spooks with the express purpose of keeping superheroes in line and if need be “taking care” of them when they go too far. A lot of the conflict in the series comes from

We know. What’s your caption contest entry, though?

And our racist fans.

I mean, he’s going to give back public funding on NRG Stadium and won’t donate to any political candidate and not participate in NFL’s Salute to Service or hold any military appreciation events and will stop playing the national anthem before games, right?

I think it was Dan McCoy who came up with the equally-applicable “Have our sex games become too elaborate?”

“We need to stay out of politics. That’s been my message.”

And I thought it’s “Christ, what an asshole” that, in 60% of the cases, works every time.

These fucking millennials ruin everything.

Mine knocked over the candle and tried to burn the place down...

We save the rough stuff for Tuesday nights.

You missed an “at”.

Wait, so my last date who spilled wine on herself AND her dog was throwing up was just ghosting me?  I probably should not have married her.

I’m totally ghosting my wife on our next date night.

It’s funny when you consider that military officials take an oath to support and defend the constitution which includes, you know, the first amendment