Chamomiles Davis

Wasn’t there an episode of The Big Bang Theory in which a wealthy woman (Jessica Walters) will fund some science research if Leonard has sex with her? Talk about win-win.

Villanova is a 45 minute drive from the city, if that’s the barrier for what we consider a Philly school.

Satan? How close is philly to closing the deal?

*cries in Union and Phils*

I’ll second that. I love that they won it with a team full of upperclassmen too.

See you at the parade! NOVA!!!!!

Villanova has some of the best offensive rebounders in the country. They just dominate their opponents and rio their hearts out.

You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

The Michael Jordan of Delaware. What a freaking game for him!

Between DiVincenzo and Frank Stallone, it’s been a banner week for Italian Americans.

God must really hate organized religion then.

There’s definitely some easy comparisons to make between the structures and attitudes of the NCAA and those of the Catholic Church.

Old nun has bad habits.

“God likes his athletes in the same way that a 60 year old guy likes the preteens he meets on a trip to Thailand... willing to get used up and fucked over for only the vague promise of a better life.” - Sister Jean

God isn’t in this for the money. Please remember that when they pass around the tray this Easter Sunday.

Peter Gammons over here

Well put

Word is Stapp will release a follow-up in honor of the Philadelphia Superbowl win:

London Jets!

This is a fart-sniffery kind of way to say the episode where this happens:

Nog: (trying to tag the runner): What do I do?

Was a lot of fun.

Fun fact. The dude who played Rom was a minor league baseball player and — by far - the most skilled actor there. He had to work to pretend to suck.