Best comment of the past ten years was either Limbaugh’s dressage horse or the comment about the dad trying to masterbate with his son as a bonding experience.
Best comment of the past ten years was either Limbaugh’s dressage horse or the comment about the dad trying to masterbate with his son as a bonding experience.
Weird, Deadspin lead me to your wife too.
No, the single greatest thing ever associated with Deadspin will always be KissingSuzyKolber, the once and future king of football humor. RIP, KSK. May the Fridays be sexier, the Mondays free of Peter King, and Komments never ending.
Thank you for playing the role of Eternally Bitchy Commenter in this retrospective
Albert Burneko
Thank you - and I mean this sincerely and in the best possible way - for wasting a tremendous, tremendous amount of my time.
The first time I ever read Deadspin was the night before my brother died, almost exactly three years ago. He had cancer, and it was clear that he wouldn’t last much longer, so I told him he was the best brother anyone could ever ask for and I drove home and put my baby to sleep and opened up my laptop and found myself…
This makes me strangely emotional. Deadspin has been perhaps the single most influential factor in the past decade of my life. It has, directly or indirectly, led to jobs (and firings), a good portion of my current real-world friendships, the front page of the Chicago Sun-Times, a feud with a former MLB All-Star, two…
I still say that getting Dan Le Batard’s Baseball Hall of Fame vote and letting the readers vote was pretty cool.
Of all teams, Penn State should know that shit only stays buried for so long.
I miss the Pants Parties. I love the idea of an NCAA Preview edition — which we actually had made into a printable PDF! Because it was 2007! — written entirely by unpaid readers, with no actual connection to the games themselves. If I would have thought to have put a price on it, I could have come up with the original…
I love it when the comment is funnier than the OP.
+12 years
McCoy was outed as a lousy tipper before getting shipped away.