Busch league
Busch league
The most beloved player in Cardinals history DID FUCKING BACKFLIPS every time he took the field.
Kel needs to chill out. He should move to Businesscasualtown.
Done and done:
The Ted 2 promo leaves something to be desired.
Wow, he's a regular Bearishnikov.
Rivers: "Nnnnhh, peppermint roll!"
In his defense, a lot of Phil Mushnick's ancestor's slaves were black.
[Crowd cheers]
You know who else thinks Magic is GREAT?
Joe Thorton Scores Four Goals, Whips Out Cock, Gets Nuetered
The Most Insufferable Things Written About the Pirates' Loss, Ranked:
[Zygi]: That's a mighty fine stadium you got there, Minnesota. It'd be a shame if something "happened" to it.
I feel like Ditka would still have had a hard time winning over Republicans after they saw that photograph of him marrying a black man.
Looks like the Orediggers' drive...
Mickey Mantle's face was on the bottle of roofies.
Hub Fans Bid Kids Adieu
you forgot to mention their 4 out of 10 guaranteed success rate.
"Seems about right."