SEO Guru

I see Microsoft beta tests things like Kinja does.

I mean, you don't have to check in on Foursquare or Instagram, that's 100% optional (and a bad idea if you ask me)

my neighbor's mom makes $85 hourly on the internet . She has been laid off for 9 months but last month her check was $21668 just working on the internet for a few hours. see page

Well maybe that's why you're not successful. ;)

My bad. I took from your original comment that you were implying that Win 7 was superior to Win 8.1. I'm sorry you don't have the budget to get the latest version of the software you use. I'm sorry that the software you require isn't compatible with the most up-to-date operating systems. However, I personally

I love your enthusiasm, but put the pitchfork down! Hopefully the reader How I Works will satisfy you enough on the off weeks.

I do enjoy this new series, but I miss the weekly How I Work. I'd love to actually see twice a week How I Work posts (instead of ever two weeks). I don't think each one has to be a celebrity/titan of tech. Anyone vaguely of note (running a relatively successful start up, interesting positions in Government, authors,

Another possibility: nobody heard your fucking podcast.

What do you expect from a guy who suggested that Dennis Dixon was a young Randall Cunningham and a threat to permanently take Big Bens job? That was after one half of football, by the way.

"Ha! You call that ruining a mock draft?!"

I'm bewildered by this article. Why are you profiling the creator of a dead app?

I was a big fan of Sparrow and bought a license. Then Google bought them and said they wouldn't be providing any more updates for it. Sucks.

Check out io9 or jalopnik, they have implemented this UI for weeks now and I still see spam in their comments sections. It may not be to the volume as before, but I also see exponentially less comments. So I would guess that the ratio of comments to spam is probably about the same. Why would you waste time spamming

You said that somewhere? I couldn't find it! *rimshot

Threaded comments. That is all. Oh, and chronology helps. Fancy is fine for the blog posts; not so much for comments. Don't make it harder for us to interact with each other (and with you)!

Yeah I hate the sidescrolling layout on the comments. I doesn't feel dynamic at all

It really is a terrible way of reading comments.