SD Gator

Thank you for saying this. Let me go one step further and say fuck that stupid lion that got killed, too. Cats are stupid.

I don’t think pro athletes would even want sabbaticals...for financial reasons.

No leg room. Have to have leg room.

I agree, intuit has totally abandoned it. But unfortunately, no one (that I know of) has copied the paper billing/PO box concept from them. Its so much more useful than regular bill pay.

Paytrust for the total-automation win. I’ve been using it since the late 90’s. The killer feature is that they give you a PO Box to use as a billing address for the lame companies that don’t do e-bills.

There aren’t many things that people could have done to the grill surface that can survive the 500+ degree temps that the grill grates will soon be at. Just brush down the grates and go to. Use an extra hot fire if you are still worried.

Also something to point out, the Cree’s come with a 10 year warranty, so if they burn out before then, just return it for a replacement. I haven’t checked, but I don’t think the others come with one.

My wife was getting blood drawn recently, and started to pass out (she has a thing about needles). Our 7 year old sees this happening and decides its time for true confessions and starts rattling off a laundry list of stuff she’s been doing/not doing. The last thing my wife hears as her world goes dark is “....and I

My wife was getting blood drawn recently, and started to pass out (she has a thing about needles). Our 7 year old

Praising effort is good, but you want them to be results-oriented as well. An effort-only mindset fosters a “well, I tried my best, so it was okay to fail” mentality. And like you said, a results-only mindset tends to leave kids brittle in the face of failure, which will happen at times in life.

For the ADHD among us, paper and pen organization systems seem to work much better than any electronic system. I don’t know why, but its very common.

I’ve had a few negotiations that ended up following a similar path. A really high offer from Company X that I didn’t really want to work for (bad culture, bad work/life balance, etc), and Company Y that I did want to work for, but whose offer was signifigantly lower.

I was in my late 20’s, making decent income, and had decided I liked the town I was in and wasn’t planning relocating again anytime soon.

I’ve heard a lot of folks refer to unused vacation time as “layoff insurance.” As long as you are under the rollover cap, its not a bad thing to carry a couple weeks or a month worth of vacation time from year to year.

I had this situation at different startups over the years. I always did the IRA thing, but don’t give in to the temptation to not save at all for retirement if there is no employer match. Its too easy to not sign up for the 401k and then “forget” to setup an IRA with automatic deposits.

Outside of the defense industry, everywhere I’ve worked has had an unofficial uniform of sandals, shorts and a t-shirt. Bonus points for flip-flops.

Ultimately, driverless cars will create more jobs than are lost, just like with robotic manufacturing.

A small savings account setup to overdraft from is perfect for this. You can stash your buffer in it, and it doesn’t show up in the balance of your checking account, so you aren’t constantly having to mentally subtract that amount from your checking account balance.

If you have a larger garden, then watering cans aren’t feasible. Our heavy hitters are the 25 or so tomato plants which will each need around a gallon or so of water every couple days in the Texas heat. And that doesn’t include the rest of the garden.

I tried this for a while, and it didn’t work out. The collection part is easy. The USING part is hard. Unless you invest in a pump and a filter, there is not enough water pressure in just the barrel to push water out to your garden in a controlled manner. Plus, the outflow hose would get clogged often with the crap

MSRP and cost of business are two different things. The MSRP’s are the same, but the difference in cost structure shows up in different ways.