Pushing a car up a slippery slope doesn't seem like a safe thing to do. You're on the downhill side of a car that could lose traction at any time and slide right the fuck over you.
Pushing a car up a slippery slope doesn't seem like a safe thing to do. You're on the downhill side of a car that could lose traction at any time and slide right the fuck over you.
The local humane society usually offers low-cost vaccines and heartworm and flea/tick treatments. And spay/neutering, too.
I think C should be taught as the second language, like the drug dealer model. Get them hooked on a gateway language like Ruby or Python and but make sure to sell the hardcore addicts on C (or assembly) as the path to the ultimate high of understanding the guts of how and why things work at the machine level.
Yup. Welcome to life. And everyone gets to experience that endless cycle, whether you are the guy slinging slop at a diner or you're the CEO of a major company.
It is hard to swallow, but its kind of one of the fundamentals of life. Whether its work, marriage, parenting, video games, whatever. There are always new skills to learn, and old weaknesses to shore up. And the consequences for not doing so can be harsh.
Wow...so much of this is spot on.
Leases on electric cars make sense. In two or three years the range is going to be significantly increased, so you don't want to buy the current models outright. And if you have a long commute they are basically free cars for the length of the lease term.
I find the really long meetings that I don't have be actively engaged in (status meetings) are the best for brainstorming solutions to issues or exploring design ideas and then fleshing them out with diagrams and some pseudocode in my notebook.
You know, I kind of hope the NCAA keeps dicking the Bowden and Paterno families around with this, alternately restoring and rescinding those wins every few years.
Nice pictures of linemen. This guy was a fullback. He'd be built more like a tight end.
I'm 41, if that makes any difference. And I'm not saying he's in game shape or anything, but there's still enough to smoke either you or I in most athletic endeavors.
Lol...they might not be in top physical condition after 10 years, but the physical talents and gifts are still mostly there. As well as the discipline and the ability to pace oneself and push through fatigue and pain, as someone else commented.
The dude is an ex-NFL player, which means he's a world class athlete, even if he's retired. I have no doubt he's capable of doing it, and the rest of the details of the story seem to match up (current speed, map distances, etc).
Renting a condo or house at the beach for a week is very affordable. Especially if you drive there and bring all (most) of your food and drink for the week in coolers.
I would add that you need to identify the skills on the horizon that will be the must-haves in the next year or two.
Make it $30, now.
1. Abstract thinking and problem solving
They haven't done this with Tebow or Johnny Football or any of the other popular athletes. There are bootleg t-shirts of all kinds out there. Why are they singling this guy out?
That's wild. It recommended a Jetta TDI for me, which is the car I was strongly considering for a long time.
The limit on my lease is 12,000 miles per year, although negotiating for 15,000 miles per year was also an option. I don't know how much extra they would ask for that, though.