A friend of mine from Norway told me he learned English from listening to Howard Stern on the radio. He spoke really good English, too. And of course he knew all the slang.
A friend of mine from Norway told me he learned English from listening to Howard Stern on the radio. He spoke really good English, too. And of course he knew all the slang.
I've got a Das Silent S at work. Awesome keyboard!!
There's always competition, no matter what the field.
I like Abe Lincoln as much as the next guy, but those jerseys are butt ugly.
The part that you don't mention is that the folks who are properly trained to run a marathon, and who hydrate properly show almost none of these issues. Its the folks who try to run one with little to no training, or who's longest long run is in the 12 mile range who have a ton of problems.
Wow, thank you so much for this!!! So much annoying stopped dead in its tracks.
I would try to wrestle a couple of 4x8 sheets of plywood up there to lay down over the rafters. This will cover the insulation and wires and create a "floor" to safely stack boxes or whatever on. You might need to cut the plywood down to get it up there, but two sheets will get you and 8x8 area, which should be…
My experience is that the scale is a GREAT way to monitor progress on a diet, but you have to do daily weigh-ins and use a moving average filter on your weight data samples to filter out water fluctuations. Once you do that, you have a trend line that is a pretty good indicator of when things are on track, and more…
What you don't take into account is the next computer. Building vs buying might come out pretty even at the low end now, but then 3-5 years down the road, its a lot cheaper to upgrade the built system with a new graphics card, or even a new motherboard and chipset than it is to chuck the old Dell and buy a new one.
I would just find something in your local area so that you can start building up your network in that area.
I printed that off so long ago I don't remember. I'll have to check it and post back when I get home tonight.
Its only a one-time hassle to covert volume recipes to weight. I printed off a conversion chart from volume to weight for most common ingredients (cups to grams) and whenever I get a new recipe I print that out as well and spend a few minutes writing in how much 5 TBSP of olive oil or whatever weighs until I've got…
Just weigh everything directly into your mixing bowl and you'll avoid this problem, and reduce the amount of dirty dishes to wash. And have everything measured much more precisely.
This is what happens when we get rid of the whole "Children should be seen but not heard" thing.
Is Bieber wearing lipstick? How is this dipshit a thing that people take seriously?
Interesting...I was replying to Diaz's asshattery, but it went to Hardigree's article instead. Apologies to Hardigree.
You obviously don't have 4 or more kids. And haven't tried going on a long trip with those kids.
Absolutely, that is huge as well!!
The time spent at a single job is nowhere near as important as staying current on your skills. As long as your skills are current and marketable, you'll be fine.
Just get a simple anti-glare monitor filter and you're in business.