
I think that man's girlfriend wants him home early, if you know what l mean ;-)

Ouch! A new meaning to weeny roast.

Surely worthy of a dishonourable mention though.

Surely worthy of a dishonourable mention though.

I knew he was young but I didn't know he was still wearing nappies (diapers).

Could that be because your American?

It doesn't surprise me. I thought he's looked gaunt and ill for several years, now I know why.


100% with you on this! it's always puzzled me why the US does if this way, that and why their pint and gallon are much smaller than ours.

We have the technology,
We can rebuild him.

I wouldn't worry, it looked like they had a nice strong piece of rope protecting the onlookers just in case of mechanical frailer or driver error, 100% safe in my opinion.

As long as the base is left thick enough you could either grind it flat before you biscuit fire it or alternatively place a piece of wood under and against the fabric after it stops dripping through but before it sets.

Thanks for uploading this I hadn't seen it befor, any idea what the infrasonic wave generator does? And why anybody would need 5 GPS's???

Very funny, especially the first one, I think he's doing his test so he can deliver pizzas in 30 mins or less, or its free.

Bigger battery, Much bigger! I don't care if the phone is twice as thick as long as I can use it all day (preferably 2-3 days) and not worry about it going flat just when I need it most.

You and me,both. This new layout is clumsy and armature in comparison.

Your right I should have said " according to their video clip" as it was obvious from the question that Kao_S hadn't read/watched all the article. Yes 1G is high but with a forward facing seat nothing to worry about, neither is Mach 1, I just hope the accelerator protocol never gets overridden, could get messy.

Brilliant, please watch it all if you've ever been tempted to text and drive.

None! At a constant speed other than the normal pull of our little planet you'd feel no extra force, now getting there, that's another thing, theses rail gun/maglevs are capable of enormous acceleration/G force, enough to leave nothing but purée, congealed on the rear bulkhead, to be hosed out at destination, they are