
In Russia cars don't eat up the road, the road eats up the cars.

Try counting the number of people's lives he put in jeopardy, I hope when he eventually gets out of hospital he's arrested, convicted and baned for life, that is if he hasn't done the world a favoure and made riding or driving an impossibility.


If only they'd painted the crackes a nice bright colour it would have made them so much easier to spot. :-)

If only they'd painted the crackes a nice bright colour it would have made them so much easier to spot. :-)

Beautiful, given the cash I'd have one in a heartbeat.

I took this in Venice last year.

The excellent driving of the ambulance driver deprived the child of a Darwin Award, never mind, its young and has plenty of time to try again.

But my question still stands is the pussy dead or alive?

We don't want him back, Pleeeeease keep him, we'll be your friends for ever.

That Nazi gold won't invest itself.

So they have a launch break.

Nice clean break, bit of welding, bit of Bondo and she'll be good to go.

This has got to be the worst films I've ever seen, makes me appreciate good acting, scripting, special effects, editing, etc.

Pedant, :-) I'm always doing that, it's really annoying for me too.

I still don't get your point.

You mean all the time then.

Your missing the point, because its so small you can site it close to the outlet and thus avoid heating 50ft of cold pipe each time you turn on the shower.

I can't recommend dragon boat racing too highly. I initially found my club, Thames Dragons, through meet up, I only intended to do it once but was hooked, it's been a revelation, having been put off team sports at school I avoided them ever since, I reached the age of fifty, unfit, fed up and fat

I can't recommend dragon boat racing too highly. I initially found my club, Thames Dragons, through meet up, I only intended to do it once but was hooked, it's been a revelation, having been put off team sports at school I avoided them ever since, I reached the age of fifty, unfit, fed up and fat