
Also I think the announcer says its an 85.

I've never tried it, how much oil do you get from an average baby?

I think we'll have to agree to differ on the profitability of replacement screens over replacement phones, I googled the figures, there margin on iPhone 5's is large even if not 100% accurate, there is no way that you are replacing each and every screen 10 times before the phone is outdated, your view appears to be

I can see your point of view but I disagree with how much profit there would be in a replacement screen, I'm only guessing on the cost but even if the manufacturing cost was $15 and they retail at $55 -, which is in line with there phone manufacturing and retail price for a 16gig of $240 and $840 respectively, I

How would selling replacement screens make phone manufacturers more money? £30-40 for a new screen or £5-600 for a new phone.

I've posted this before but I'm trying to spread the word, if you hate getting ripped of for over priced cartridge refills but like the convenience, try rinsing thoughly, shaking vigorously to remove excess water, lay blade on absorbent towel whilst brushing teeth then placing razor in a Tupperware beaker with 5 mm of

"Trickle me"? If that's what happend when I shaved I'd see a proctologist, trickling is never good.

I see what you did there.

"that pressures of modern life and the modern consumer have left designers unafraid to design anything outside of the beige box." Don't you meen afraid?

Be very careful when using flexible fillers I used it once, never again, because its very hard if not almost impossible to rub down, so if you really must use it never put to much on expecting it to be sand-able, it won't be, make sure you get it level with the wall or just a tiny bit lower than he surrounding area,

Probably not, as stainless steel is a lot harder than the metal in a tin can, I still wouldn't do it with my best cutlery though.

2 things, those looked like public roads, could this video be used in a court of law and when you say it's has 1.1 million Km on the clock, other than the clock how much of the car has actually covered that distance, is this a case of the ship of Theseus?

Unfortunately my crotch blasts aren't ultrasonic, or confusing.

Same here.

Add to that he calls it a gayardo at 0:17, and in a previous report couldn't pronounce Jaguar correctly.

I just hope that if I'm ever attacked by a bunch of balloons I've got one of these with me. they won't know what hit them.

Looks like he's done that before, or something similar.

In this case. I'm not sure Mr Chapman would approve.

+1, and with any luck he'll get convicted on the bribery charge and then we'll be shot of this pompous, obnoxious, troll.